Institute is well equipped with all modern facilities.
Our classrooms seats up to 40 and is quite spacious, well ventilated and comfortable seating arrangements, ideally suited for high-caliber academic work. College has provided modern teaching, learning facilities abreast with modern teaching, learning technologies which are needed for the sound education & practice in the nursing profession. Well equipped Classrooms to provide world class education to the students with all advanced audio-visual aids & supportive learning environment.

Kol Valley Institute of Nursing has its own buses for picking up the students and staff from college to various destinations like Hospitals, Community centers, location of seminars, workshop or meetings etc. In addition to that Institute has light vehicles to provide quick conveyance to sick students to hospital when ever required.

“Books are Keys to Wisdom’s Treasure; Books are friends, come, let us Read”. To support the academic requirements of the faculty & students, the college has a well stocked library with the latest addition of Nursing & General Books. It has also regular subscription of National & international Journals & Magazines. The library is continuously in the process to acquire text books & reference books, to keep its reader abreast with the latest information. The library of the institute aims to facilitate academic & research activities of the faculty & students by providing timely information & resource through cost effective means.

Nursing Foundation Lab
This lab consists of modern equipment & dummies for the demonstration of nursing procedure. Lab is well equipped with all the articles required for various nursing procedures, so that student nurses can learn the procedures on manikins before doing them on patients in the hospital. |
Community Health Nursing lab
This lab is equipped with artificial rural & urban setting in which the student will learn about Indian rural & urban community & their problems. This lab is well equipped with articles for preparing student nurses to work in urban and rural communities. It has bags containing all the articles for community health nurses to perform various procedures during their home visits. |
Maternity & Child Health Nursing Lab
This lab help the student to demonstrate about normal & abnormal labor/ delivery & Child. Maternal and child health lab has beds with manikins and bedside cradles with new born dummies. There is a pediatric bed with a child dummy. It also has a delivery table and dummies for demonstration of labor. MCH lab is well equipped with various models for teaching students about stages of pregnancy. |
Nutrition Lab
This lab is well furnished & equipped with cooking facilities where the students learn preparation of various therapeutic & normal diets. Nutrition lab is well equipped with all kitchen articles for preparing and serving special diets to cater to the needs of patients suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, Jaundice or Renal failure. |
Audio Visual Aid Lab
This lab is equipped with high tech educational media to support the teaching learning activities of the nursing students. It has Multimedia projectors, over head projector, Slide projectors. There are flip charts, posters and transparencies on various topics related to nursing. |
Anatomy Lab
This lab has models on each body system. And articulated and disarticulated skeletons. |
This lab consists of latest computer with broad band facility that will help the students to get the latest information regarding diseases, treatment & their nursing care. The computer lab is spacious and well-planned with the latest hi-tech configuration of hardware and software. A computer lab has internet facility also.

Clinical Facilities
Clinical training is an integral part of the course and is imparted in leading and designated Hospitals of repute as approved by the State Govt. and we also have all kinds of laboratories where the students demonstrate before placing for clinical training. College is attached with 270 bedded -Zonal Hospital, Bilaspur.
Vacations are planned according to the INC rules. If the students are unable to return on time due to illness the Principal should be intimated immediately by telephone followed by a written. On the return, they should submit a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner.
Extracurricular Activities
In view of the main aim of education as the total deployment of the person, a number of opportunities are provided for the students to develop their skills and talents at various levels, through membership to the student and trained nurses associations and participation at local, state and national conferences.